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Latch 锁存器 S-R Latch S-R锁存器 S, R 分别代表 SET, RESET. A latch (锁存器) is a temporary storage device that has two stable states (called bistable)—SET state and RESET state. The S-R (Set-Reset) latch is ...

反相器 与门,或门,与非门,或非门 The OR operation is equivalent to Boolean addition. 异或门,同或门 The XOR expression is equivalent to mod-2 addition. 真值表、逻辑表达式 Truth Table, Logic Expression. 固定功能的逻辑门 Fixed...

十进制数 二进制数 Binary/Decimal/Hexadecimal/Octal Number System A weighted number in which the weight of each digit is a power of 2/10/16/8. Binary: with nnn bits, count up to 2n−12^n-12n−1. The weigh...

数字量和模拟量 Digital Quantities, Analog Quantities. 模拟量具有连续的数值,数字量具有离散的数值。 Electronic Circuits 电子电路 Analog Electronic 模电技术 Digital Electronic 数电技术 二进制数、逻辑电平和数字波形 Binary Digits. 二进制 Logic Levels. 表示 1...

P186 Half and Full Adders (基本加法器,半加器和全加器) Adders are important in digital systems in which numerical data are processed. Half-Adder Full-Adder Logic Expression: Cout=(A⊕B)Cin+ABC_{\mathrm{o...

Basic Combinational Logic Circuits The features of combinational logic: The output at current depends on the combination of inputs at current. The circuit has neither storage nor feedback. This ...

P112 Boolean Operations and Expressions (布尔运算和表达式) Laws and Rules of Boolean Algebra (布尔代数的运算法则) 交换律 Commutative Law 结合律 Associative Law 分配率 Distributive Law A+0=A,A+1=1A+0=A,A+1=1A+0=A,A+1=1 ...

Counters A counter is a device to determine the number of elements of a finite set. The modulus of a counter is the number of the states that it can count. As learned in Chapter 7, flip-flops (FF...